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November 21, 2022

Arena Cinemas

The golden years are over

Hans Weingartner | DE/AT | 2004 | 126 minutes | D

The capitalist affluent society is in the sights of the two friends Peter and Jan, because they are bothered by the gap between rich and poor. To express this, they break into the villas of rich people, make small or large changes, leave notes with inscriptions such as "You have too much money!" and can thus irritate the owners quite a bit.

Jan breaks into manager Hardenberg's house with Peter's girlfriend Jule - she has fallen in love with Jan - because Jule owes him money. But then the unexpected happens: Hardenberg turns up. Driven by panic, they beat him unconscious and, with Peter's help, take him to a small mountain hut.

The stay in the mountains drags on - and Stockholm syndrome slowly makes itself felt: the kidnapped people and the kidnappers recognize similarities and begin to become friends. Hardenberg uncovers the relationship between Jan and Jule, which leads to an argument between Jan and Peter. The exercise has to be aborted and they return to Berlin. But is this still a return to everyday life?

Info about the podium
Image by shawnanggg
Image by shawnanggg
More information about the film

Genre: Feature film

Society and Politics

Presenting Partner

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