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November 18, 2022


Who we were

Marc Bauder | EN | 2021 | 114 minutes | D,E/d

Marc Bauder's film "Who we were" is inspired by the unfinished book of the same name by Roger Willemsen, who died in 2016. Willemsen was one of Germany's best-known and most popular intellectuals.

Never before has a species had such an influence on the design of the planet as we humans do. Much of this threatens us, but we have also learned an immense amount in the meantime and now know what it takes to keep the planet livable for future generations. This is possible if we no longer act against each other, but develop a "we feeling" as a global humanity: "We" and our children and grandchildren want to live!

The film has a gripping dramaturgy and shows expressive images from the deep sea, from the International Space Station ISS, from a Buddhist monastery, from today's Fukushima or from a river delta in Senegal.

Info about the podium
Image by shawnanggg
Image by shawnanggg
More information about the film

Genre: Documentary

Climate and Energy

Presenting Partner

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