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November 8, 2022


Eyes of Orangutans

Chris Scarffe and Will Foster-Grundy | GB | 2022 | 52 minutes | E/d

In his documentary, award-winning photojournalist and filmmaker Aaron Gekoski shows how illegally traded orangutans are kept and exploited in zoos and amusement parks under poor conditions. He follows the trail of tiny orangutan babies who fall victim to this mafia and sheds light on the dark side of orangutan tourism in Indonesia and Thailand: a billion-dollar business that Gekoski and the Borneo Orangutan Survival Association Switzerland, BOS Switzerland, are fighting against. Together with its partners - above all the BOS Foundation in Indonesia - the association was able to rescue 52 former show animals from Thailand, return these orangutans to their homeland and even release some of them into the wild.

Info about the podium
Image by shawnanggg
Image by shawnanggg
More information about the film

Genre: Documentary

biodiversity and ecosystems

Swiss premiere

Presenting Partner

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