Wild - Hunters and Gatherers
Mario Theus
2021 | CH | 93 min
Hunters enjoy an ambivalent reputation, especially in more urban circles. Hunter and forestry engineer Mario Theus addresses hunting from his perspective and uses wonderful footage to show the essence of this archaic cultural technique.
For the protagonist Pirmina Caminada, hunting is a natural form of self-sufficiency. As a gamekeeper in Graubünden, she monitors hunting, but also the animal sanctuaries. Other protagonists that the film follows are the mountain farmer and hunter Andreas Käslin and the former poacher Urs Biffiger, who swapped his rifle for a video camera and became a nature filmmaker.
The film confronts the audience with questions about our ambivalent attitude towards animals, be they wild, domestic or farm animals, and shows contradictions that underlie our lives and our meat consumption. For the protagonist Pirmina Caminada, hunting is a natural form of self-sufficiency. As a gamekeeper in Graubünden, she monitors hunting, but also the animal sanctuaries. Other protagonists that the film follows are the mountain farmer and hunter Andreas Käslin and the former poacher Urs Biffiger, who swapped his rifle for a video camera and became a nature filmmaker.
The film confronts the audience with questions about our ambivalent attitude towards animals, be they wild, domestic or farm animals, and shows contradictions that underlie our lives and our meat consumption.